Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Anxiety Builds...

     I leave in about a day and a half. I love traveling but I don't like flying. I'm not scared of heights, crashing and burning, or anything of the sort. I just hate having to sit in the same uncomfortable seat for however long your flight might turn out to be. Mine will be ten. Ten hours of leaning, shifting and squirming for what seems to be an unreachable goal... having your ass not fall asleep so that you can.
     So, for the next day or so I am doing all I can to prepare for my flight. Staying up late, drinking heavily, and just basically depriving my body of any real rest. All this work in hope that once we take off I'll be able to throw some tunes on, pull my sleep mask down and wake up in Tokyo. I'll let you know how it turns out. 

1 comment:

pamburglar said...

I hate flying too!! But for all the reasons you stated you didn't hate flying. haha. Have fun!!! and come home sooner than later!